We’re Your Ideal Pleasure Way Dealers!

Regardless of whether you’re located in Boise, Idaho or anywhere within the area of Orange County, California, Dennis Dillon RV is the way to go when you’re searching for Pleasure Way Dealers.

Here at the Pleasure Way dealers of DDRV we have two big mottos that we live by: “1000 RVs Ready Now” and “Nobody Beats A Dennis Dillon Deal”. What this boils down to is, that we are a dealership that has one of the biggest and widest variety of RVs in our inventory coming from the best of manufacturers – and what’s more, that we offer unbeatable prices for them as well!

Dennis Dillon RV wants to be your ideal choice of Pleasure Way dealers, and we’ll go above and beyond to earn your business! Between our friendly sales staff and experienced service technicians, there’s nothing RV related that you can’t get done at a Dennis Dillon dealership.